Does Surfing in Saltwater Affect Your Hair?

Surfing in the ocean is a trendy hobby and sport, and allows people of all ages, genders, and backgrounds to enjoy the water. While you can surf behind a boat and in inland wave pools, like Kelly Slater’s Surf Ranch, we are going to dive into how surfing in saltwater can affect your hair.

Positive Effects of Surfing on Hair

There are numerous benefits to your hair when you surf in saltwater. Some are due to the ocean water and some are due to UV exposure.

1. Saltwater works as a natural shampoo and exfoliator

If you’re prone to excess oil on your scalp, going out for a daily surfing session might be just what you need. Ocean water can help remove debris, surplus oil, and hair product that has overstayed its welcome on your hair/scalp.

2. Ocean water can improve the look of hair that needs extra volume and

Saltwater thickens the hair and even works as a natural exfoliator. Blocked pores can be opened by salt crystals and sand in the water which can help promote blood flow. Not only this, but ocean water has the ability to remove any leftover shampoo and conditioner.

Adverse Effects of Surfing on Your Hair

1. Saltwater makes dyed hair fade

If you have dyed hair and don’t want the color to fade, consider taking a break from extended surf sessions. Dyed hair is already prone to split ends and breakage, something that long periods in saltwater can exacerbate.

2. Cardiovascular activity, like swimming and surfing, can lead to dehydration in the hair and scalp

Have you ever noticed how easy it is to become dehydrated when swimming or surfing out in the sun? This dehydration can have a lasting effect on not only your body but your hair, too. The salt in the ocean drains the water from your hair and your scalp and can lead to damaged hair if you aren’t regularly hydrating.

3. Hair Dryness

One of the biggest issues with spending prolonged periods in saltwater is its ability to suck the oil out of your hair. While this is noted as a positive for those who produce an abundance of natural oil, for the average person it could dry out your hair and your scalp.

Should you Wash your Hair After Surfing?

We heard both the positives and the negatives of salt water and surfing sessions are good for your hair, but does it make sense to wash your hair out afterward? Will that stop some of the benefits from happening?

According to seaspiration, the answer is yes! Wash your hair. Not only will it help stop any salt build-up, but it will rinse out any debris, sand, or other chemicals that you find in your hair.


Surfing has some great benefits for your hair, but if you overdo it there can be consequences. Like most things in life, enjoy saltwater in moderation. If you notice too much dryness in your hair, consider taking a surfing break and using hair products to help your hair recover. If you’re looking for some additional volume, maybe head out and catch a few waves. Just remember, when you get out of the water, remember to wash out your hair!

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